Jennifer Blakney

Web Developer

About me

  • I’m Jennifer Blakney (she/her), a front-end web developer based in Hamilton, Ontario.
  • A graduate of Juno College's Web Development Immersive Bootcamp, I'm particularly passionate about accessibility and making the internet a more inclusive space for users of all needs.
  • I'm a really big nerd about cooking, baking, science fiction, television, history podcasts, and my three rescue dogs.
Picture of Jennifer smiling at the camera while sitting in her backyard.

My work

  • Currently I'm a Content Author and Interactive Developer at Publicis Health.
  • Previously I was the sole Web Developer at YWCA Hamilton.
  • Freelance developer with To Be Determined Inc.
  • Before coding I spent years as a copywriter and cannabis educator. Learn more about that work here!

Tools I currently use:


Tastes Like More


This is a WORK IN PROGRESS! As a former pastry chef I have so many recipes floating between notes and memory that I decided to commit them to a place where anyone can try and enjoy both original and adapted recipes.


Dispensary Shopping


This project features my own dataset of actual products found at the Ontario Cannabis Store. Functionality includes adding/removing items from the cart.

Movie Spoiler Gif Generator

React, API, Firebase, Firestore

This group project allows users to search a movie title and see gifs based on keywords associated with that title. They can also save/remove gifs.

Contact me: